Serving Manhattan, Kansas and the Surrounding Communities
Welcome to MAMTA!
2010 Revision
Section 1: Active membership is open to all interested music teachers. The members of this organization will be affiliated with Music Teachers National Association and Kansas Music Teachers Association, therefore being members of all three organizations. This membership provides privileges of participation in the activities of the organization, holding office and voting.
Section 2: Student membership is open to any pre-college or degree-seeking college student. Student members hold full membership privileges with the exception of holding office and voting.
Section 3: Honorary membership will be determined by the Executive Committee.
Article II. DUES
Section 1: Active member dues are payable annually.
Section 2: Student membership requires no dues.
Section 3: Only the names of members in good standing (dues paid) will be included in the teacher directory or any publicity of the Organization.
Section 1: The regular term of office begins June 1 of odd-numbered years. Incoming officers are responsible for contacting outgoing officers prior to leaving office to assure continuity.
Section 2: The President presides at meetings of the organization; calls and presides at meetings of the Executive Committee; appoints all standing committees; appoints special committees as needed; works with the Vice-President in finalizing dates, times and places for meetings; and performs all other duties implied by this office.
Section 3: The Vice-President assumes all duties of the President in the absence of that officer and in addition serves as chairman of the Program Committee, and works with the Secretary and Webmaster in preparing the yearbook.
Section 4: The Secretary keeps minutes and works with the Vice-President and the Webmaster in preparing the yearbook; and also does all necessary correspondence as directed by the President. The Secretary is encouraged to notify The Manhattan Mercury of meetings and events and to supply the Webmaster and the Manhattan Mercury with a report of events following their occurrence.
Section 5: The Treasurer is responsible for: receiving and recording dues; the payment of bills authorized by the Executive Committee; keeping an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements; and presenting a financial report to the President and Executive Committee. The President-Elect and Past President will review the books upon their election to office.
Section 6: The Membership Representative is the contact person between MAMTA and the community; is responsible for notifying members in advance of meetings; and assists the Secretary and the Webmaster in preparing public announcements. He/She will be assisted in this by other members at his/her request.
Section 1: By March of odd-numbered years a nominating committee will be appointed by the President.
Section 2: By the April meeting in odd-numbered years, the nominating committee will present the names of five candidates, one for each elective office. Additional nominations may be made from the floor with the consent of the person. Election will be held. In the event that there is no April meeting, the election will be held at the next meeting.
Section 3: The Executive Board shall elect an officer to fill the unexpired term of office when a vacancy occurs.
Section 1: The following positions will be filled by volunteers as needed: KMTA Liaison who shall attend KMTA board meetings; University Liaison; District Auditions Chair; High School Tryouts Chair; Konza Op. 8 Chair; Music Fair Chair; Music Progressions Chair; Certification Chair; Holiday Music at the Mall Chair; Tape/CD Library Chair; Concerto Competition Chair; Multi-Piano Concert Chair. Other positions may be created as needed.
Section 2: By May, the President or President-Elect shall call the Executive Committee for the coming year to meet as a Program Committee to suggest and preview programs for the coming year. In addition, the Executive Committee meets at the call of the President.
Section 3: The Executive Committee may act without referring to the membership for a vote except business which involves a large financial expenditure.
Section 4: The Executive Committee will report all its actions to the organization at each regular meeting.
The organization shall refer to Robert’s Rules of Order Revised as a guideline for conducting meetings.
Three or more active members of this organization present at any regular meeting will constitute a quorum.
These By-Laws may be amended and revised at any regular meeting of the organization by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of one-half (½) of the active membership, provided notification has been given to the membership thirty (30) days preceding the meeting. Absentee voting is acceptable.
These By-Laws officially amended and approved on the 20th day of August, 2010.
Signed by the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.